Time City (3)

RN: 129 Address: Between of Hanthawadi Road and Kyuntaw Road, Kamaryut and Sanchaung Township.
Year: 2013 Storey: 3B + 29
Company: Crown Advanced Construction Building Type: Office + Retail or wholesale stores
Category: Status:
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture Recommended for Structure, Electrical, Water Supply and Sanitation and ACMV.
Structure 1. Recommended
2. Submit Company Fire Case. (22.12.17)
3. Sent leter to submit MOS for Fire.(9.1.2018)
4. Recommended of MOS for fire.(8.2.18)
Electrical Recommended
ACMV Recommended
Water and Sanitation 1. Recommended old design on(17.3.2016).
2. Recommended revised design on(5.4.18) .