Mahar Nawayat Myay Housing Project

RN: 173 Address: Between 50 and 51 Street.
Year: 2015 Storey: 2B + 15
Company: Mahar Nawayat Myay Co.,Ltd. Building Type: Residential
Category: Status:
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture 1. Superstructure recommended. (4.7.2016)
2. Revised basement floor level recommended for Structure. (20.1.2017)
Structure 1. Dynamic PLT recommended.( 21.7.2015)
2. Pilling recommended.(7.12.2015)
3. DE recommended.(31.12.2015)
4. Foundation recommended. (25.1.2016)
5. Submit Etabs and strucatual drawing (comment reply) (26.5.2016)
6. Superstructure recommended. (4.7.2016)
7. Revised basement floor level recommended. (20.1.2017)
Electrical 1. Recommended on ( 30.5.2016).
ACMV 1. Recommended on ( 30.5.2016).
Water and Sanitation 1. Recommended on (28.3.2016).