Lan Thit Mix-Used Development Project

RN: 223 Address:
Year: - Storey: Car Parking (7) Storey Podium + (1nos. of 25 Storey Residential Building + 1nos. of 25 Storey Office Tower)
Company: Sae Paing Development Co.,Ltd. Building Type: -
Category: Status: -
Design Status:
Project Status
Architecture1. Presented Conceptual Architectural presentation. (13.5.19)
2. Sent comment to company. (27.5.19)
3. Waiting for comment reply from company and YCDC Letter.
Structure1. Pile Load Test (UPLT, WPLT) recommended.(21.5.19)
2. Waiting pile load test reports and Structural Presentation.
Electrical1. Not yet submitted by developer.
ACMV1. Not yet submitted by developer.
Water and Sanitation1. Not yet submitted by developer.