Aspire Codominium

RN: 167 Address: No.215, Alone Road, Alone Township.
Year: 2015 Storey: 2B + 21
Company: Wah Wah Win Co.,Ltd. Building Type: Residential
Category: Status:
Design Status:


Project Status
Architecture 1. Presented Architectural presentation. (6.4.15)
2. Sent comment to company. (27.4.15)
3. Reply comment from company.
4. Waiting final Architectural drawings and other designs to check & compare drawings.
Structure 1. Presentation for PLT. (7.5.15)
2. PLT Recommended. (18.5.15)
3. Presentation for PLT results. (10.9.15)
4. Remind for Stru; drawing and document. (31.3.16)
5. Sent remind to company. (30.5.16)
6. Structure design submitted.(27.6.16)
7. Foundation Design Recommended.(30.6.16)
8. Remind for delay superstructure document. (23.2.17)
9. Reply from company for delay superstructure document. (15.3.17)
10. Sent letter for no design change. (To YCDC&Company) (29.1.18)
11. Presentation for superstructure. (17.6.2019)
12. Comment for superstructure by mail.(20.6.2019)
Electrical 1. Design checklist has finished on(8.5.2017).
2. Waiting other TAG(s) for Recommendation. Checking is finished.
ACMV 1. Design checklist has finished on (8.5.2017).
2. Waiting other TAG(s) for Recommendation. Checking is finished.
Water and Sanitation 1. Presentation (14.3.16)
2. Comment sent on (7.4.16)
3. Submit Revised calculation (1) set on (31.1.17).
4. Submit Revised CD (1) no. on (20.2.17).
5. Discuss with designer on (20.3.17).
6. Submit information letter that company is preparing requirements on (12.5.17).
7. Discuss with designer on (5.6.17).
8. Submit Revised STP (1) set on (14.6.17).
9. 5th times Company inform that company is preparing requirements on (23.10.17).
10. Discuss with company on (5.2.18).
11. Reminder sent on (12.3.18).
12. Discuss with company on (19.3.18).
13. Design calculation was submitted on (25.4.18).
14. Discuss with designer on (18.5.18).
13. Design document was submitted on (8.6.18).
15. Discuss with designer on (12.6.18).
16. Reminder sent on (21.6.18).
17. Design document was submitted on (20.8.18).
18. Submit request letter about designer’s sign from company on (30.8.18).
19. Waiting for comment’s reply.